Use the words or phrases to complete each statement:
social cognition – prosocial behavior – networks – the orbitofrontal cortex – social evaluation – social network size – cooperate – the PFC (prefrontal cortex) – the insula – understanding the feelings of others – imitation – the pSTS (posterior superior temporal sulcus) – social functioning – non-verbal social signals
includes interpersonal helping behavior and cooperation.
includes any cognitive processing that underlies a social ability or social behavior.
refers to the long-term, contextualized ability of an individual to interact with others.
represents a mental process that defines the preference towards prosocial partners against the avoidance of antisocial individuals in a cooperative content.
The social brain, and its dysfunction and recovery, must be understood not in terms of specific structures, but rather in terms of their interaction in large-scale .
The amygdala network includes , the temporal cortex, as well as the amygdala.
The main functions of amygdala in the amygdala network consist in tracking (e.g. visual ones, smell, etc.), as well as the reward value.
There is a general agreement among researchers that the relationship between the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) defines the among people.
Mentalizing supports the ability to empathize and with others and accurately interpret other people’s behavior.
is the core brain region in the mentalizing network.
The main structures that constitute the empathy network include and cingulate cortex.
One of the main functions of the AIC (anterior insular cortex) is to process interpersonal emotional information, including sympathy, empathy and .
The mirror neuron system is mainly responsible for supporting and understanding other people’s actions.
is specialized for understanding and imitating the non-verbal social signals of others, such as body movements, eye gaze, and mouth movements.