
The module of “emotions” elucidates the complex concept of emotions from various aspects and standpoints, which together contribute to the formation of notion about emotions in theoretical and practical terms, as well as about their application in education. The phenomenon of emotions is explained sequentially with the concepts of neuroscience, looking at the brain structures and systems responsible for processing and transmitting of emotions, the so-called “emotional brain”.

Another major concept – that of the “social brain” and the related to it concepts of social behavior, prosocial behavior, social evaluation, social cognition, social functioning are discussed from a theoretical point of view in order to clarify the various possible levels and aspects of “social”. The functioning of the social brain is explained from a neurological standpoint on the basis of four distinctive networks: amygdala network, mentalizing network, empathy network, mirror/stimulation/action – perception network.

The last part of the module focuses on the application of emotions in teaching and learning.  This section is dedicated mainly to various practical suggestions and ideas about the application of emotions in the educational practice, based both on personal experience and scientific literature in the field.
