In education, rewards such as points, praise, badges, smileys, etc., are commonly used as positive reinforcement strategies to promote learning (Dufrene, Lestremau & Zoder-Martell 2014; Wehby & Copeland 2000). However, the effects and benefits of these social rewards on learning have been called into question by several educational researchers (Deci, Koestner & Ryan 1999). More recently, neuroscience studies (Farooqi et al. 2007; Izuma, Saito & Sadato 2008; Howard-Jones, Jay, Mason & Jones 2016; Schultz 2016) have shown that social rewards have a similar effect on the brain as material rewards such as receiving money or eating your favourite food. Both types of rewards – and even the expectation of the reward – influence the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine