Wrapping up

The challenge is much greater to develop a sustained, deeper level of interest not only in the topic in questions but also for the subject more widely and ultimately learning as a lifelong process. (…) essentially moving from what they refer to as situational interest to individual interest. (…) Such a shift involves an emotional connection and commitment such that a student’s interest goes beyond ‘learning it for the exam’.

– Bell & Darlington, (2020:516)

Bell & Darlington (2020:520) offer an overview of concrete examples of classroom actions:

  • Introduce a degree of novelty or surprise to generate curiosity about today’s topic
  • Establish an early sense of student ownership of the learning
  • Take students’ ideas seriously
  • Relate to student’s experiences and interests
  • Encourage student questions
  • Convey appropriate purpose for the learning in question
  • Use of collaboration between peers and sense of common goal
  • Pitch at appropriate level of challenge
  • Sensitive use of social (e.g. praise) and tangible (e.g. points) rewards
  • Sustain positive attitudes and relationships.

Looking back …

  • What did you already know about engaging your students?
  • What new information did you learn in this module?