Suggestions and ideas how to implement emotions and emotional responses in the classroom I

Some of the emotions, generated, processed and transmitted by amygdala are those of the negative spectrum, which arise as a response to some threat from the environment. The provoked reaction is defined in both neuroscience and psychology as “fight or flight“ response.

Our task in the classroom is to assist students in their efforts not to “run away” from a hard task, but to “fight” with the problem.

Situation 1 - at seminars

One of the possible ways to make students feel calm and confident in their academic  performance, is  by presenting the task in a structured way with clear instructions on what is expected and what goal should be achieved.

It could be also recommended to demonstrate a model, an “algorithm” in order to illustrate the steps / stages for achieving the goal.

The model can be presented in an amusing and interesting way: using a video, an animation, a power point presentation, etc., which could contribute to keeping a positive working atmosphere.

If the task to be solved is more challenging or complex by nature, it is appropriate to offer work in pairs or groups, using cooperative method of learning.

The interdependence of the members of the group among themselves, along with the personal responsibility of each member of the group, contributes for their success and the success of their partners.  (Quinlan, 2015).


Situation 2 - at an examination procedure

In order to create a positive emotional atmosphere, some of the traditional ways of carrying out an examination can be changed.

In some cases it could be  possible the exam to be held outside the classroom / lecture hall, for instance:

  • in a library – for students of humanities,
  • in the courtroom – for future lawyers (the legal case assigned as an exam task can be role-played in a group of three or four),
  • in a laboratory – for students of engineering specialties (where conditions are as close as possible to the real ones),
  • in an archive – for historians, (personal experience).

In other cases, the traditional way of conducting an exam can be replaced by assigning an individual project and  the student is given the opportunity to choose from a list of topics for the project.

Thus, he / she is given the chance to select a topic in which he / she is most interested or to which is personally biased.

As a result, students will be satisfied with the heuristic moment that is present in such a type of tasks and emotions experienced are expected to be of the positive spectrum. (Borja, 2020)
