Suggestions and ideas how to implement emotions and emotional responses in the classroom II

Discover the Human Face of Science (Exact Sciences)

Using the inverted classroom method, students of engineering and exact sciences specialities are assigned to collect and analyze information concerning the process of discovering various facts, phenomena, formulas, etc.  by prominent scientists.   

In class, students present what they have discovered and share both the acquired knowledge and the emotions they experience with other students.

Through the emotions that students feel when they get acquainted with extraordinary, remarkable facts, they empathize the process and build an emotional connection with the discoverer in question and his / her  work.

The emphasis here is on disclosing the human face of science. Through such  emotions as  admiration, excitement, empathy and the like, an emotional trace and a memory will remain with students that could impact their attitude to both the particular subject matter and their academic performance in general. (Borja, 2020, Quinlan, 2015).

Discover the Human Face behind The Texts (Humanities)

As for humanities students,  similar tasks, related to their particular subjects, can be offered.

Depending on their specialization, students choose an author in advance (writer, philosopher, pedagogue, etc.) and a text by him / her, according to their own preferences.

Here again, in the  process of collecting and analyzing information, students are expected to find out some not very well known facts about  the author’s personality or the history of the particular

text creation, etc.,  and by doing so -to discover the human behind the text/s and  build an emotional relationship with his / her works, ideas, experiencing of the world. (Quinlan, 2015).
