usted está viendo actualmente Module 4 – Concentration & Attention

Módulo 4 – Concentración y Atención

Si se desvía la atención, el aprendizaje puede obstaculizarse.
– Dehaene, 2020:149

The quote above from one of the leading neuroscientists in the world, Stanislas Dehaene, makes clear that attention is crucial for learning. Our brain is always paying attention (Koenig, 2010). However – and perhaps to the frustration of many teachers – not always to what teachers would want.

In this module, you discover what neuroscience can teach us about directing your students’ attention to what you want them to learn.


En este módulo, aprenderás:

  • Qué es precisamente la atención.
  • Los mecanismos neurales implicados en el proceso de atención.
  • How you can direct your student’s attention.
  • Strategies you can use to facilitate students’ attention in your classroom.