4. How does the brain learn?

Evidence allows us to believe that memory is organised in such a way that our memories and knowledge form networks where each element is connected to those with which it maintains a meaningful relationship (Sousa, 2010). In order to incorporate new knowledge, it must be connected to existing knowledge structures (prior knowledge) with which it has a semantic relationship. This is not a recent development; there are countless evidences from cognitive psychology and neurobiology that help to understand the phenomena related to learning (Vygotsky, Piaget, Barlett).

We learn when we connect relevant prior knowledge to the learning objective. The more connections we make, the stronger the learning will be and the easier it will be to retrieve it when needed because more different contexts will activate it.

The information processing that leads to better learning is observed using functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques, which show which parts of the brain are more highly activated than usual when we perform certain mental actions. It has even been possible to predict the likelihood of a stimulus being remembered according to the degree of activation of the frontal region of the brain.

If education affects the brain, and the brain is the organ that allows us to adapt to our environment and transform it, knowing how it is formed and how it works, how it learns, what motivates it, what it values most, how it retains the information it receives and how it uses it, will help us to fine-tune our educational strategies

Memory is the faculty that enables us to learn, but we do not learn everything in the same way. There are different learning objects that involve different types of learning. For example, learning a skill is not the same as learning a concept. Research has shown that we have different types of memories that allow for different types of learning and different uses of information. That is, memory is not a single skill, but a set of skills that depend on different neural processes and structures. There is not one memory, but different memory systems that are the subject of study in educational research.

There is a lot of discussion about active learning, but it is sometimes confused with educational practices in which the learner does something (“learning by doing“). However, it is not about doing anything but about actively thinking about the object of learning, looking for meaning and contrasting it with their previous knowledge (“learning by thinking“).

Any active learning experience must include activities that ensure that the learner is reflecting on what he or she is learning. There is an important difference here between teaching and helping to learn, and this is a well-researched topic: better results are obtained if learning is guided by the teacher, who guides the students’ reasoning and reflection. When reflection is done in a group, giving the opportunity to share, contrast and discuss ideas with classmates and the teacher in a relaxed atmosphere, the effects on learning are very significant.

When learners have to learn a new concept, it is important to assume that it is impossible to teach concepts “by transmission“. Concepts are constructed in the learner’s mind from the knowledge available in their long-term memory, i.e. their prior knowledge. In order for the learner to learn, we need to promote changes in the way learners build relationships between their knowledge and perhaps provide some new connectors (new data) to guide them in the construction of concepts. This construction implies a modification of existing connections, a “rewiring” that is not simple: it requires time, multiple opportunities and motivation on the part of the learners.

According to the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, the procedure we follow to learn is as follows: information is presented to us in words and images and is perceived by our senses, passing momentarily through our sensory memory (Mayer, 2008). If we pay attention to what is in this memory, the information passes to our working memory for further processing. It is in working memory that we mentally organise words to form a verbal model and we organise images to form a visual model, and then we integrate both models together to give them coherence; we also draw on our previous knowledge to integrate, with them, both models, always seeking coherence. This search for coherence is about making sense of what we learn so that it can pass into our long-term memory (from which we have retrieved prior knowledge); this is what is known as meaningful learning.

Therefore, for learning to take place, the three cognitive processes must be executed: selecting the relevant words/images (paying attention to them), organising them to obtain coherent mental representations and integrating these mental representations with each other and with previous knowledge. When all three processes are performed, we speak of active learning. For active learning to be stimulated and sustained, motivation is needed and metacognitive strategies need to be used appropriately.

Motivation can be based on several aspects: our interest in the subject matter, our self-efficacy beliefs, the attributions we make for academic success/failure, the goals we set for ourselves, and the perceived social cooperation of the learning environment. Metacognition refers to the knowledge of how we learn and the control we exercise as learners over our own learning process. Self-regulated learners possess metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive control, so teachers must help our students to become self-regulated learners.

The transformation of mental schemas that leads to the learning of new concepts is what researchers in cognitive psychology call conceptual change (Sousa, 2010). There are many forms of conceptual change, which are differentiated according to their degree of depth and their difficulty in occurring. Unfortunately, we teachers are often unaware of these levels of difficulty and, therefore, we may not adequately modify our teaching methods when faced with different cases.

Teachers often use teaching contexts that are very different from the contexts in which learning is applied, and we expect that what they learn in the classroom will have an impact on their performance in related situations, but in different contexts: we expect the learning they do to be transferable. Unfortunately, the problem is that, in the light of more than a century of research, it has become clear that transfer of learning does not occur as spontaneously as we might believe; on the contrary, transferring learning from one context to another is actually complicated and therefore infrequent.

 In psychology, the term working memory is used to describe our ability to mentally and consciously hold and manipulate a limited amount of information for short periods of time. It is the mental space where we consciously perceive reality, where we remember, where we reason and where we imagine. Unfortunately, working memory is limited in several ways and can easily fail us when we need it most. To keep a piece of information in working memory, we cannot stop paying attention to it and avoid distractions. It is also a memory with limited space, so if we try to hold too much information, it overflows and the information is lost. Another limitation appears when performing activities that require a high mental process because the amount of space is reduced. It should also be mentioned that the working memory is very sensitive to stress and anxiety, emotional states that overwhelm it with thoughts that are unrelated to the task we wish to perform.

Taking into account the limitations of working memory is fundamental when it comes to promoting learning; it is the bottleneck that determines our ability to learn. One of the theories of how we learn with the most empirical evidence and practical application in the classroom is cognitive load theory, which is based on recognising the crucial role of working memory in learning and acknowledging its limitations: in order to learn it is important not to saturate working memory.

Higher cognitive skills such as reasoning, problem solving, critical analysis or creativity necessarily rely on a broad base of meaningful knowledge (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2010). For such knowledge to be acquired, it must be knowledge that is comprehensible and transferable to multiple contexts, and this is achieved when learning is deep. To achieve this, teachers must provide opportunities for learners to use the learning. In a broad sense, learners develop meaningful knowledge when they use it to analyse and interpret situations, solve problems and create all kinds of solutions.

It is clear that what is indispensable for the development of meaningful knowledge is time. It is therefore important to reflect on the scope of educational objectives. In this sense, all the evidence points to the fact that it is better to opt for less extensive but more in-depth curricula than for extensive but superficial curricula that try to deal with a lot of knowledge but do not allow for its proper understanding. An important difference between deep and shallow learning lies in the ability of learners to transfer their new knowledge.

For further information about how the brain learns, check the additional resources:

  • Weinstein, Y., Sumeracki, M., & Caviglioli, O. (2018). Understanding how we learn: A visual guide. Routledge.
  • Slotnick, S. D. (2017). Cognitive neuroscience of memory. Cambridge University Press.
  • Thomas, M. S., Mareschal, D., & Dumontheil, I. (Eds.). (2020). Educational neuroscience: development across the life span. Routledge.
  • Mystakidis, S. (2021). Deep Meaningful Learning. Encyclopedia, 1(3), 988–997. https://doi.org/10.3390/encyclopedia1030075